Customer Testimonial

They did a very good job. The quality of Marvin is unbelievable. When I am ready, I would love to replace my front door with a Marvin door.

— Antonio D.

Welcome to Cowls Building Supply

Family owned and operated since 1741, Cowls Building Supply serves the residents of Western Massachusetts with a unique combination of lumber, building materials, paint, hardware, and expert, friendly service.

Cowls Building Supply has a trained veteran staff in both sales and operational support. Ownership and senior management is fully engaged in the attention to our customers' needs.

Cowls Building Supply can provide the quality materials you need for your project. Whether you are building a new home, home addition, or remodeling an existing space, Cowls is the local quality home center to help you.

Visit our Kitchen Design Showroom, the Benjamin Moore Paint Store at Cowls, and our new Flooring Showroom. You'll find a caring team with the combined knowledge and expertise to answer all your questions, help you estimate your choices, and design the correct layout for your project.


Our Store Hours

Monday-Friday: 7am-5pm

Saturday: 8am-3pm

Sunday: Closed

TimberTech Decking

Browse all our wood plastic composite, capped composite, and PVC decking, railing, lighting, fencing and finishing touches products.

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